Monday, July 26, 2010


First "real" bath in the baby bathtub. She does great! Although it is still challenging to get the breastmilk out of her neck folds. Not a great place to store snacks. It's hard to reach and not refrigerated. Un-classy details like that aside. Lucy does look cute all wrapped up and smelling of freshly cleaned baby.

First baseball game! Ryan's work had an outing to Wade Stadium to see the Duluth Huskies play. Mmmm brats and lime budwieser. Fun fact: My grandfather played in this stadium for the Dukes in the 40's. Keep in mind that he was a French Canadian guy from New Hampshire. Played some minor league ball after the Navy. We have photos of him at bat with the Fitgers sign behind him. I think it's so cool that we ended up in Duluth of all places....

First Smithie encounter. Kristen, Chadd and Soren swung by during their Minnesota month. Here they are with Ryan and Lucy (she's the colorful sweaty blob on Ryan's chest) during our walk in Congdon Park.
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1 comment:

  1. Lucy just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I didn't think it was possible.
