Monday, July 26, 2010

Alexandria part 2

Frogs! Crocodile hunter nothing...

Emma, Maya and Eric release the frog so it can go find its family.

Safety first on Lucy's first pontoon ride. She was cool with it as long as she was asleep. Once awake it became less fun to wear even if it did have cute ducks on it.

ok. the next posted photo is not for the faint of heart. I thought long and hard about whether it is appropriate to post poop pictures on a blog - well anywhere really. I'm still not sure it is but as the book says - everyone poops. And this is a funny story - classic new parent in its telling and the fact that we actually have a photo speaks volumes.

Let me begin with - We had just returned from an afternoon of sunshine and boating. I put on a pair of pants straight from the washing machine. An unfortunate milk explosion had necessitated laundry immediately upon arrival from Duluth. Ahh clean laundry. I am leaarning to not put too much stock into any one outfit these days. You never know how long it will last.

Anyway - clean clothes and a hungry baby. Great. We'll chill in the evening air and nurse while dinner is prepped. Half-way through I hear a toot. No big deal. But then my leg feels wet. Hmmm. A peek reveals baby poop pooling on my newly cleaned pants. Funny, gross, etc. I'm laughing and Lucy just continues to nurse greedily. That's funny in itself what with the little piglet snorts she makes.

I call Ryan over to share the poop grossness and as we're discussing how this possibly could have happened (spoiler: diaper was applied only covering one cheek...) and how we are going to possibly change her without getting poop everywhere. Well just then, Lucy stops feeding and spits up all over my other leg and the front of her onsie. This made me start laughing even harder. Ryan takes this to mean that a photo is definitely necessary. We'll want to share this moment with Lucy at some properly embarrassing moment.

Just another day in the life of a new parent. :)

A few things to be noted about the picture below:

1. We actually have a photo of this situation - thanks Ryan Love for helping...
2. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.
3. Lucy is sweetly looking up at me amidst the fluids

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