Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Felting part 2

I am making felt boots for Lucy. I made 1/2 a pair for myself and am not totally excited about the way the color turned out. I didn't think about the fact that green and brown slippers give a very "camo" effect. While I figure out what I want to do with those, I started on this pair (above) for Lu this afternoon. Disclaimer: Lu was home sick today and I had 2.5 hours during naptime (hurrah!) to do something fun. The laundry can wait....right Ry? Here they are connected. There is a piece of plastic inside that keeps the two sides from sticking together while you use hot water, soap and objects from around house to pull the wool together. The top picture shows what the inside of the boot looks like. 

Here are the boots after I cut them apart, turned them right side out and felted one of them. Look how small it got! It could use a bit more work but is getting close. I want to try them on Lu before I work on them more. If they are too small, there is no going back. So some kiddo out there may be getting one-of-a-kind blue boots for Christmas. Hopefully Lucy will be able to wear them for a week before growing out of them. I'm going to sew leather on the bottom for more traction. 

The boot on the right is the inspiration. That super cute boot came from NYC (via Neal and Kelly) and is pieced together from smaller pieces of thin felt. There is thin leather sewn on the bottom and of course the stylish flower. Lu wears these everyday to daycare. They fit right inside her boots which makes for easier dressing for outside time. And they are warm. Bonus.  

1 comment:

  1. Love the new project! And double love that Lu still fits in those boots 1 yr later!
