Sunday, October 9, 2011

Way down yonder

Went to the La Crosse/Winona area for Jake and Emily's wedding this weekend. So fun to see them and all the other peeps. There aren't any photos of the actual event because Ryan was in the wedding and I was chasing around a toddler. It's was sweet though and I feel lucky to know these wonderful people. Congratulations!
I'd never been to this part of WI/MN. It was stunningly absolutely beautiful. I'd recommend a road trip through this river country to anyone. My goodness. The leaves were lovely, the rolling hills and farms were gorgeous, and the rivers were so sparkly. It still baffles me that this is the Mississippi River that everyone talked about growing up. (And yes, I did spell it in my head just now).
This park was right behind our hotel and we took a big stroll with Adam and Nicole after breakfast.

Rehearsal on Friday evening. More stunning rolling hills.

After the wedding shingdig, we drove just a titch further south to see Ed, Angie, Addelaide and "Acorn" (the baby in the belly). They just bought a house in the countryside this summer. It's close to Ed's job with Organic Valley and there is plenty of space for Angie to work from home. And there is a Waldorf school in town that Addelaide is loving. What a sweet place for them to land.

Beautiful. Reminded me of home quite a bit. Looks like New England.

Catching grasshoppers. Addelaide was great at catching them and sharing. I was enthusiastic but poor at actually holding onto them.

We saw Poseidon on our hike!

Oh, just Ed. Yep, it was October and 80 degrees. This water was still pretty chilly.

Because Ed can talk Ryan into anything - even cold water - they both splashed around. While the rest of us putzed on the banks/soaked tired feet.

The bug whisperer.

What a nice weekend. I can't wait to a) see all these great people again and b) visit this spectacular landscape again. Made the 5 hour car ride worth it.
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