It's been a good good day.
Art time. Ryan was even invited into the gluing.
Yes, you guessed it. We were discussing how the clouds were reflected in the puddles. It's about light refraction and reflection don't you know.
There were a lot of puddles to stomp in. Lucy is grateful for those.
She doesn't know it but she's grateful that her parents didn't let her jump in this one.
Casual rock throwing. She's more into size and splash than beauty. Lots of agates were left behind. But there was quite a bit of splashing.
Box forts are still fun. Especially when there is a cardboard rocket ship involved also.
Lucy friendly Thanksgiving! Someday she'll be grateful and excited that I made a vegan-nut -soy-coconut free pumpkin pie. Right?
What the ?!?
As I said, it was a good good day.